Case Studies

Premium Sportfishing Group Commercial Fishing Boat-Case Study


Posted By : Barry Dee

At $4.00 a gallon (current marina fuel pricing) and a 12.4% improvement in fuel economy, daily savings would be $295 with a net savings of $88,500 dollars annually Per Boat using GFT-Liquid.


Green Fuel Tabs Liquid concentrate was tested over a 117 day period in a Premium Sportfishing Group commercial fishing boat. This case study provides a detailed fuel usage comparison and demonstrated that the fishing boat showed a steady fuel economy improvement with the exception of two fishing trips. After the fact it was found that the fuel was not being treated with the GFT for those two time periods. One of the more compelling results that came out of the test was that the fuel economy began to improve again once GFT was reintroduced. The most recent data collected showed a 12.4% performance improvement over the pre-test baseline and a 17.5% increase for the year to year fuel usage is compared. In both cases there was a substantial improvement in fuel economy when the fuel was treated...

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VLCC class cargo vessel traveling round trip; Dubai to China to Dubai.


Posted By : Jim Lynch
The following case study demonstrates the effectiveness of GFT/Liquid in improving Performance, Fuel Consumption and Lower Emissions of a Marine Cargo Ship.

This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of GFT/Liquid on a Marine Cargo Ship. Performance, Fuel Consumption and Lower Emissions were recorded during the treatment of over One Million Gallons of diesel fuel. Overall results combined a 12.3% increase in speed/performance, plus a 7.3% decrease in fuel consumption, netting a 19.6% total performance gain. A 22% emissions reduction was also achieved. With some adjustments, these substantial benefits could be tuned toward fuel savings or; more toward performance and speed of the vessel without increasing fuel costs. GFT/Liquid also significantly reduced sludge (by more than 33%) in a number of the properly operating engines that were measured. There is still more room for GFT/Liquid to optimize combustion in this ship's engines. Long-term fuel treatment is expected to further reduce fuel consumption, increasing performance and eliminating emissions.

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